Sarah Laughlin and Andrew Evans Sea Guardian Concept

An arcade style  game with a concept similar to something like space invaders, where the center of the spool is an industrialized city scape along a shoreline. From the center of the spool (which would be a 2D representation of the industrialized landscape), will be protruding pipes with sewage waste, landfills overflowing, and other sources of garbage. These sources will be depositing personified trash monsters onto the shoreline (which would be the lower base of the spool) that are trying to make their way into the ocean (the very edge of the spool, can be created through use of green screen in background). You as the player become a guardian of sorts to the ocean, swatting back trash monsters to keep them at bay. As you explore the spool as a whole 360 degree environment, you would be viewing the trash monsters from multiple angles, which would be achieved through 3D scanning the physical models. The goal is to get people to see firsthand what ocean pollution looks like and the difficulties of cleaning it up while in an engaging environment. 


Looking Back on 2018’s Fight for Trash Free Seas®
